Friday, December 25, 2009

Quilled Christmas Trees - The fine art of quilling

I found these trees while looking for trees that were made from crafty people. In my quest I found a beautiful quilled Christmas tree picture and was sent more quilled masterpieces when I inquired Janet (yorkshirlass49 from about her art projects. She was also more than happy to explain how the process is done and where it started.

"The art of Quilling that I do is an ancient craft," Janet says, "and it dates back to Egyptian times."

"Also French prisoners of war did quilling to pass the time whilst they were in prison." She adds.
I can see how making that thing would pass the time. Doesn't exactly look easy. I also couldn't figure out what it was made of but Janet took care of explaing,
"It is made with paper, they can be any thickness, but I prefer to use 3mm paper strips. "
And no, it doesn't have to be frestanding:

"Quilling can be freestanding in 3D or just cards and pictures, the sky's the limit."Janet explains.
So how exactly is it done?
"You coil the strips with a tool, or by hand, until the strip is tight. If you want a peg shape (like the lights on the Christmas Tree) you glue it down straightaway, but, if you want to make shapes, you put the coil down and let it unwind, like a spring."

Using my own observations it looks like the tight coil is more commonly used.
In any any regard Janet continues to explains, " Then you can glue the end and press into all sorts of shapes and create wonderful things."

Wonderful things indeed! I love it. Perhaps when I have the time of a french prisoner on my hands I'll get started on my own little quilled tree :-)

Remember to send me your New Year resolutions!

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