Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Palm Sunday!

For all you heathens out there, Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter Sunday.
That means, you're already late for church!

Photo by St. John's Flower Guild (

If you can't make it to a real alter, hopefully the photo above will fill your spiritual needs.

Oh and don't forget to make your palm cross.

Photo by RogueSun Media (

The photographer says, "This is my first attempt at forming a cross out of palm leaves".

A fine first attempt indeed!

I remember making a bunch of these when I was in Catholic school. One would think that the more you made the easier it would be to form the crosses. Oddly, it was the exact opposite for me. I always thought my first one was the best and every one after that one was progressively worse.
And thus was my first run-in with my OCD condition.

May your day be filled with Palm Sunday Blessings!


  1. I made a lot of these too. When I showed them to sister Mary-Catherine, she would always hit me over the head with a yard-stick. Is that because I made them all upside down?

  2. This brings me back to my childhood...One of these would have been the perfect size to crucify my GI-Joe figurines before I blew them up with M-80's.

  3. Anonymous: Yeah, that may have been the reason. I'm sorry, she probably didn't know your dyslexia was of the upside-down assortment.

    Logano: See! That's what the holidays are all about...memories :-)
