Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2011 New Year's Resolutions!

Are we all ready for 2011?
Got your resolutions all in order?

If so, good for you!
If not, here are some to get you motivated:

"Manage my finances better." - Chemikal (USA)

Photo by Nemo's Great Uncle (
Your first order of business in saving money is to buy as many solid gold piggy banks that your finances will allow.

"I'm doing a 'get off my lazy butt and exercise more in general' type of resolution.
That way I can look better by summertime." - Laura (Texas, USA)

I too like to look good at summer time.
It's right up there with looking good at fall, winter and spring time.

"Mine is to drop 30-50 pounds before my rotation by May.
I wonder if that's even a healthy resolution to have?" - CrazyBob (In my apartment, USA)

Could be doable, but you're not going to get it done sitting around in your apartment.

"I would like to control my candy intake." - Brandy (Missouri USA)
Good, more Dolly Mix for me then!

"Make an amazing friend in college." - 343533 (USA)

Photo by flowcomm (
Amazing friends give amazing hugs.

"Get into pharmacy school." - Neebs9 (USA)

Photo by Martin Haesemeyer
Then you are going to have to learn all of this.

"My goal is to party it up." - MathDebate (Georgia, USA)

Finally, I was waiting for a noble resolution.
Here here!

(These 2011 resolutions are from the members on the forum. Thank you!
To see the 2010 Resolutions from other forums go to the New Years Resolution Archive.)

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